¼ tropical papaya, sliced
1 pink dragon fruit, sliced
½ slices small seedless watermelon cut into quarter
1 green apple
1 cosmic apple
2 - 3 in passion fruit, cut half to expose seeds
1 - 2 blood oranges, sliced
1 - 2 limes, sliced
Edible flowers
Fresh basil
Large platter
Sharp knife
Step 1
Slice all of your fruits first.
Step 2
Working in groups of 3-4 slices and in handfuls for the smaller fruits place them on your board in an aesthetically pleasing way. I like to start with the watermelon, dragonfruit, and papaya first since they are larger the work smaller and smaller to fill up my platter.
Step 3
Decorate with fresh herbs and pretty edible flowers