White Chocolate and Raspberry swirl Cheese cake by pollypocketsy

White Chocolate and Raspberry swirl Cheese cake



15 min


3 hr

I’ve been told this is the best cheesecake I EVER made so try it :))

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Picture for White Chocolate and Raspberry swirl Cheese cake





80 gram butter

275 gram biscuits

250 gram cream cheese

250 gram mascarpone

80 gram powder sugar

250 gram chocolate

6 tbsp raspberry jam

1 cup heavy cream


Step 1

Melt the butter then add crushed crumbly cookies of choice and mix until it looks like wet sand . Line a springform pan with parchment paper then push the cookies down firmly and refrigerate 30 minutes

80 gram butter

275 gram biscuits

Step 2

In a bowl beat cream cheese mascarpone and powdered sugar until smooth then add 250 grams of melted white chocolate ( you can use any chocolate you prefer if you don’t like white ) then mix together

250 gram cream cheese

250 gram mascarpone

80 gram powder sugar

250 gram chocolate

Step 3

With an electric mixer beat the cream until soft peaks then fold it into the cream cheese mixture and pour it over the biscuit base smithing it out

1 cup heavy cream

Step 4

Add a few table spoons of raspberry jam to the top and use a skewer or something narrow to swirl it around . Refrigerate for at least 3 hours

6 tbsp raspberry jam

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