Mango Banana Curry by pollypocketsy

Mango Banana Curry



10 min


15 min

4 servings




Picture for Mango Banana Curry

4 servings





1 onion

2 clove garlic

1 tsp coriander seeds

2 red chili pepper

2 tbsp coconut oil

2 tsp tumeric

6 curry leaves

2 kafir lime leaves

400 mL coconut milk

200 mL vegetable stock

800 gram mango

500 gram banana

1 green pepper

1 tsp salt

½ tsp white pepper

1 tbsp coconut chips

1 tsp curry powder


Step 1

Dice the onion then fry it in the coconut oil until translucent

1 onion

2 tbsp coconut oil

Step 2

Add in minced garlic and sliced chillies fry another minute ( remove the seeds from the chillies if you dont like it too spicy )

2 clove garlic

2 red chili pepper

Step 3

Grind 1 tsp coriander seeds in a pestle and mortar then add it to the pan with turmeric and Curry powder

1 tsp coriander seeds

1 tsp curry powder

2 tsp tumeric

1 tsp curry powder

Step 4

Add the coconut milk vegetable stock curry leaves and kaffir leaves and cook 2 minutes

6 curry leaves

400 mL coconut milk

200 mL vegetable stock

2 kafir lime leaves

Step 5

Chop the mango banana and green bell pepper and add it to the pan then cook 5-7 minutes and add salt and white pepper

800 gram mango

500 gram banana

1 tsp salt

1 green pepper

½ tsp white pepper

Step 6

Garnish with Toasted Coconut chips and Serve over rice or with some naan bread

1 tbsp coconut chips

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