Dulce de Leche Cookies only 3 ingredients by pollypocketsy

Dulce de Leche Cookies only 3 ingredients



10 min

If you want delicious creamy cookies in a hurry then you should try these 3 ingredient cookies they are buttery creamy and ready in minutes

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20 servings




Picture for Dulce de Leche Cookies only 3 ingredients

20 servings





150 gram flour

110 gram butter

60 gram dulce de leche

100 gram dulce de leche


Step 1

In a bowl add flour then cube butter that has been out of the fridge a few minutes . And crumble together with your fingers until it is crumbly

150 gram flour

110 gram butter

Step 2

Add 60 grams Dulche de leche then mix with a spoon and then your hand to bring to a dough . Lightly flour a surface then roll out. If the dough is very sticky add a teaspoon of flour . Cut circles about 1/4 inch thick then place on a baking sheet and use a piping tip to cut a smaller circle out of half of the cookies . Bake 160 c 320 f for 10 minutes

60 gram dulce de leche

Step 3

Once baked cool on a wire rack then add a teaspoon of dulche de leche to the cookies and sandwich the other half of the cookie on top

100 gram dulce de leche

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