96 calorie Korean style shirataki noodles by pollypocketsy

96 calorie Korean style shirataki noodles



2 min


10 min

This noodle dish comes together in 10 minutes and it’s tasty but only 96 calories so great if you are watching the cals

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1 serving




Picture for 96 calorie Korean style shirataki noodles

1 serving





200 g shirataki noodles

spray oil

100 g bok choy

1 tsp Korean hot sauce

1 tsp Korean bean paste

1 tsp soy saice

½ carrot

¼ tsp Korean chilli

½ scallion

14 g pickled ginger

5 tbsp water


Step 1

Drain the noodles then rinse in warm water . Spray one pump of spray oil on a pan on medium heat then add the noodles and fry fry for 3 minutes then remove from the pan and set aside

200 g shirataki noodles

spray oil

Step 2

Spray another pump of spray oil on the pan and add washed bok choy / pak choy fry for a minute then add back in the noodles

spray oil

100 g bok choy

Step 3

In a bowl mix Korean hot sauce Korean chilli paste soy sauce and water stir then pour over the noodles then sprinkle 1/4 tsp Korean chilli pepper flakes on top .

1 tsp Korean hot sauce

1 tsp Korean bean paste

1 tsp soy saice

¼ tsp Korean chilli

5 tbsp water

Step 4

Use a vegetable peeler to peel 5 ribbons of carrot ( use more if you wish to exceed the 96 calories ) then garnish the noodles with the carrot 14 grams of pickled ginger and the top of one scallion

½ scallion

14 g pickled ginger

½ carrot

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