My Go-To Roasted Chicken by nutrientmatters

My Go-To Roasted Chicken



1 hr 30 min




Picture for My Go-To Roasted Chicken





1 tsp coriander seeds

2 small black jalapeños (or regular jalapeño)

2 tbsp melted butter

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp dried parsley

½ tsp oregano

¼ tsp turmeric

1 tsp tomato paste

Avocado oil

Salt & pepper

whole chicken

1 ½ bulbs garlic

1 lemon, sliced

red potatoes



mortar and pestle

paper towel

ourplace perfect pot

ourplace roasting rack


Step 1

Start by grinding the coriander seeds with a mortar and pestle. Once mostly ground, add in your jalapeño and grind that as well.

1 tsp coriander seeds

2 small black jalapeños (or regular jalapeño), chopped

mortar and pestle

Step 2

Transfer that to a bowl with melted butter and the spices below. Combine well.

1 tsp coriander seeds

2 small black jalapeños (or regular jalapeño)

2 tbsp melted butter

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp dried parsley

½ tsp oregano

¼ tsp turmeric

1 tsp tomato paste

Step 3

Pat your chicken dry, then stuff the cavity with lemon and garlic cloves.

whole chicken

1 lemon, sliced

5 clove garlic

Step 4

Rub the marinade paste across the chicken, drizzle with some avocado oil and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.

Avocado oil

1 lemon, sliced

Salt & pepper

Step 5

Par-boil mini red potato’s for 5-8 mins then drain and set aside to dry for 5 mins.

red potatoes

Step 6

Combine potato’s + raw broccoli + 1 garlic bulb in a roasting pot/pan.

red potatoes


1 bulb garlic

ourplace perfect pot

Step 7

Drizzle with avocado oil, salt, pepper.

Avocado oil

Salt & pepper

Step 8

Place roasting rack over vegetables and place marinated chicken on top.

ourplace roasting rack

Step 9

Bake at 425 degrees f for 1 hour-1hour + 15 mins until skin is golden brown. This time will vary depending on how large your chicken is (I’m using a relatively smaller sized chicken)

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