World Famous Salsa by jakewidmann

Jake Widmann




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World Famous Salsa



20 min

This recipe dates back to my childhood and has been passed down through generations. It's a delicious and traditional salsa recipe that can be enjoyed by the whole family.

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4 servings




Picture for World Famous Salsa

4 servings





20 cups tomatoes

4 cups yellow onion

½ cup hot peppers (adjust to your liking)

1 ½ cups bell peppers (varying color)

½ cup poblano peppers

1 tbsp fresh garlic, minced

2 ½ cups white vinegar

¼ cup sugar

¼ cup canning salt

2 tbsp chili powder

2 tbsp garlic powder


Step 1

Cut the tops off your tomatoes.

Step 2

Cut and remove the seeds from your peppers.

Step 3

Cut the top and bottom off your onions, and quarter them.

Step 4

Chop all your ingredients or pulse them in a blender or food processor until chopped.

Step 5

Add all your ingredients to a large stock pot and bring to a boil. Once the veggies have softened remove from heat and set aside.

Step 6

While pot is boiling add your jars to a hot water bath—as hot as your tap will go. This prevents jars from cracking.

Step 7

Strain the liquid from the veggies. Fill jar to about 1 inch from top with salsa. Add a ladle or two of juice. Hand tighten lid and set aside.

Step 8

When salsa is used up, fill jars with juice. Hand tighten lids.

Step 9

Clean out your stock pot. Tighten lids and place jars upside down in stock pot. Fill with water leaving a few inches at the top (jars don’t need to be fully covered). Boil jars for 10 minutes. Remove with a jar grabber or oven mitts…BE CAREFUL not to drop them. ❤️

Step 10

Allow jars to cool at room temperature. You will begin hearing a slight pop from each jar. This just means you’ve successfully sealed them.

Step 11

Once they’ve cooled, store them somewhere safe, and place a jar of salsa in the fridge. Enjoy!

Step 12

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