224 gram Butter, Browned
100 g Sugar
5 mL Vanilla Extract
4 gram Salt (depending on your saltiness preferences)
270 g All Purpose Flour
2.6 gram Cinnamon
1.2 gram Nutmeg
1 stick Butter (112g)
100 g Brown Sugar
120 g Maple Syrup
30 g Heavy Cream
1 gram Cinnamon
3 gram Salt
2 Eggs
300 g Chopped Pecans
Baking Tray
Step 1
Brown the butter and let it cool for 10-15 minutes.
224 gram Butter, Browned
Step 2
Mix in the other ingredients and spread out evenly onto a 9x13 deep baking tray.
100 g Sugar
5 mL Vanilla Extract
2.6 gram Cinnamon
270 g All Purpose Flour
4 gram Salt (depending on your saltiness preferences)
1.2 gram Nutmeg
Baking Tray
Step 3
Bake at 350°F for 15-20 minutes depending on how crunchy you want the crust.
Step 1
Melt the butter and add the brown sugar, maple syrup and cream and bring to a boil.
1 stick Butter (112g)
100 g Brown Sugar
120 g Maple Syrup
30 g Heavy Cream
Step 2
Meanwhile whisk up your eggs. We have to temper the eggs, this means you're going to ladle in some of the hot mixture into the eggs while whisking. This is going to slowly bring up the temperature so that they seamlessly mix into the mixture and don't end up as scrambled eggs.
2 Eggs
Step 3
After you ladle in about 1/2c of the hot mixture into the eggs, you can add the egg mixture back into the main mixture.
Step 4
At this point just throw the pecans in (chopped however big or small you want) and pour the filling over the crust.
300 g Chopped Pecans
Step 5
Bake at 350°F for 30-35 minutes, cool for an hour or two, slice into bars and enjoy!